I sometimes think of Dr. Destructo as a Super Hero in the Marvel Comics vain, neither a goodie or baddie but a misunderstood loner who tends not to get too involved except when matters really pique his interest. As a Super Hero he of course has many Super powers and abilities, , he reminds me a little of Ralph Hinkley from the early 80s TV program "The Greatest American Hero"(I'm going back a bit here, check out the link below.....) who got superpowers but lost the manual explaining them to him so he wasn't in control of his abilities. The Doc is somewhat similar, his powers vary, and some disappear like they were never there in the first place.
Not long after hearing the dreaded "A" word for the first time we noticed the Doc, tip toeing(to say I got hung up on this trait would be an understatement). This would be a really handy ability to have to sneaking up on people! And then one day he just didn't seem to do it ant more(TG).
The ability to be invisible would be really cool, the Doc thought he had this one mastered for a while, if he wasn't allowed to go someplace then he would scrunch up his eyes and plow on regardless, we believe because he couldn't see us that we couldn't see him.......back to the drawing board for this one!
It is obviously important for Super Heroes to be able to defend themselves, the Doc must have discovered that he had skin which was impervious to attack because he was always biting it (especially on the arm, wrist and hand) to test it. Thankfully for our sanity he has gotten past this testing phase and has come to accept his bionic skin.
Everyone knows how jealous Spiderman is of the Docs ability to climb, we installed gates in the front garden and he rendered them useless by scaling the side walls to escape. For his bedroom we installed a pet gate! This was because it is taller than the normal gate as one night P almost had a heart attack when she noticed on the monitor that the Doc was scrambling over the gate and laughing his head off.
Which leads me to the Doc's sense of humour, we thought we had been blessed with a very happy child, every night after putting him up to bed(even Super Heroes need to recharge their powers....) we would listen to him laughing away to himself, we thought it was so cute, that is until we learned about inappropriate laughter - fair knocked the wind out of our sails.... Thankfully the Doc doesn't find the world quite as funny nowadays.
Destructo by name and destructo by nature, the Doc likes to take things apart, if unable to by the usual means of brute strenght and ignorance he uses his super strenght to fling said object to the floor tiles which usually does the trick - a very handy method of getting the batteries out of our poor house phone.

Two things are certain though; the Doc will always be our little Super Hero no matter what, and the other, the one superpower the Doc will always retain is his ability to melt our Hearts.....
Another fab blog and one I can identify with very well, Kyle is a tip toer, not as much now but it makes a appearance every so often, he is also the happiest child I know and would laugh at things others would not find funny. Kyle would melt anyones heart, of course I am biased in that opinion lol.
I remember that programme, I used to love it:) We have the same in our house with the 'not seeing him'. Our fella will close his eyes, or turn his back to us, thinking if he can't see us then we can't see him. What age do they get over that one? I like the Docs heart melting abilities, that is the best superpower:) Jen.
Great blog, sounds very similar to my own little super hero. He was a tip toer for a long time then one day just stopped. We also just gave up on gates. i was worried he'd hurt himself more if he fell climbing over them.
Iv never heard of inappropriate laughter. Hes always in stitches to himself. I just figured whatever world he was in, at least hes happy there. Sometimes id love that superpower myself.
This is a brilliant blog. The Doc is a Superhero for sure...I have a bit of a bee in my bonnet about how heroic our kids are.
Bob could scale everest too, and was a tip-toer too, but at the ripe old age of 5 he doesn't seem so inclined to do either these days.
I'm with Claire...seeing humour in everything would be a pretty cool superpower! XXX
love your blog
yes your dr destructo sounds a lot like my destructor lol
what a way to describe him and his super self,
keep them coming xx
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