We both cherished every moment with our Baby and so what if I did occassionally look forward to bringing the Doc to Sci Fi conventions(we still will.....), but of course our bubble was burst or should I say deflated over time, we kept expecting the words to come but of course they didn't and then the "A" word was thrown at us, we couldn't even bring ourselves to say it out loud!
But life moves on and we came to accept our new challenge, it can cause ruptions in our relationship because although we both want the best for the Doc we sometimes see issues differently but that's okay too because it would be a very strange world if we were all the same. the important thing to remember is that we both have the Doc's best interest at heart and that we're there to support each otherthrough the rough times.
It's funny what upsets us, P sometimes gets emotional when she sees other NT children around the Doc's age and the lightyears between their development, I do too but am probably better at masking it. The biggest meltdown I've had was when I had to board up the Doc's bedroom window! The doc was climbing to look
outside and we were afraidof him falling back, I thought it would be no problem to me but when I saw I had transformed his bedroom into some lightless cell I broke down and sobbed for ages whilst lying on his cot.......
outside and we were afraidof him falling back, I thought it would be no problem to me but when I saw I had transformed his bedroom into some lightless cell I broke down and sobbed for ages whilst lying on his cot.......
Being an engineer I want to "fix" Dr. Destructo but I accept this wont be the case, he has a condition which he will always have and all we can do is prepare him as best as possible for what lies ahead........
We will reach for the Stars and see how far we can get.....
Faith of the Heart(Enterprise intro)---> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZPn-lTytfGo
wow exactly how i felt on my 1st childs dx...hes a cutie, image of his mum!!! dont kill me...excellent 1st blog!
really great blog. its lovely to get a mans perspective. Its seems like you and his mum have such a strong relationship, hes a lucky boy, and so cute.
keep them coming!
It's really good to get a dad's perspective on life in AutieLand. Bob's Dad and I were very civilised and had our meltdowns at different times...like you, he wanted to fix everything and when he finally realised that he couldn't, he fell to pieces..
...but only for a while.
Safety is a huge issue in our house too...I often feel more like a jailer than a mum, and i have panic attacks and have to double check that all the gates/doors/windows are locked and the keys are out of reach from little hands.
Bob loves me to bits, but as soon as his Daddy walks into the room he drops me like a hot potato (I don't swing him about by the ankles or take him for spins on the tractor...basic requirements for any 5 year old).
Love the blog, and can't wait for more!
what a great first blog well done it's great to get a man's perspective on it all ..we have alot off safety issues in our house too ca ca's room only has the bed in it and we even had the bed special made it's 14 inchs in height in total so when he does do a superman on us which he does alot he doesn't have far to land...we also have to lock doors and windows ...ca ca can't reach the window in his room yet but i freak out at the thought off it i would dare say before long i'll also be boarding up his window...
Fantastic start, can't wait to read more. Hope you will get as much out of blogging as we get out of Reading. Nice to get the male perspective too :) Think we all feel like jailors but you get used to the locked doors, stairgates, combination locks and cupboard locks after a while. Brings me back to how I felt when I had to build a "safe area" in the garden for madam while the other half acre was taunting me. We do what we have to to keep them safe and hopefully over time we can remove some of the restrictions xxx
It is great to see things from a Dads point of view so please please keep blogging. In our house, as parents, we can have different perceptions too but I find that a relief as it balances things up. We haven't reached the safety problems too much yet, although HRH is a bolter so doors etc can't be left open. I know more is coming though, mostly thanks to the blogs, they prepare me in a way that nothing else can:) Looking forward to reading more:) Jen.
Well done Mr Roboto and welcome to Blogland!
As the girls say it is great to get a Dad's perspective on all this.
Dr Destructo is such a handsome young man and with you guys so staunchly behind him I have no doubt you'll reach those stars.... you may just have to navigate the galaxies in a slightly different way;))
xx Jazzy
Brilliant blog Mr Roboto, I shall look forward to the next installment. Its lovely to get a dad's perspective on it. He is a lucky boy to have both of you helping him along the Journey of the A word. xxx
that was a brilliant post! your right men are different to women but in our house i was in denial longer and i wanted to "fix" our son for a while, despite the fact that my husband is the technician! i really enjoyed that, thanks
wow! great first post! So cool to hear a dad's voice. Looking forward to reading more
Hi Daddy Robot,
It is nice to get a Dad's perspective and nicer to find you are getting it out there and sharing rather than bottling it all up.
Interesting that you are an engineer! I meet many Dad and Mum engineers in this world.
I own the toolkit in our house and have chained up the windows. When Boo was smaller I took apart a wooden playpen and put rails across the windows. We pushed a sofa up to the window so he could sit and look out safely.
welcome to blogworld. Ready for a link?
i love your blogs xx
you and your lovely mrs have such a really good attitude towards autism
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