It's the expectation which has been the hardest to control, in the past we would have thought that in a months time or 3 months time or that by Easter or Christmas that progress would have been made but of course these came and went with no progress.
However, now we are seeing(and dare I say it, hearing.....) the progress which the Doc is making. The Doc took to PECs like a duck to water, the first few days I had my doubts as he laboured away on a single card with a picture of a pringle but within a week or two he had mastered the concept and now we use PECs cards for all the Doc's needs.(Major Thanks to P for all her work on these) This has been a big help to us understanding what the Doc is looking for and prevents alot of frustration on both our behalfs.
The Doc's vocabularly(sic) has just rocketed in the past few weeks, he understands the names of items which we never even introduced to him; one day not so long ago Kirstin, our HT, was introducing some new flash cards to the Doc, she was only planning on showing him a few new ones but in the end she showed him the lot(about 50) and he got more than half them right straight away even though they were all new to him.
And then there are the sounds, he is really making an effort, we're definitely hearing the "o" in "open", and "oh oh", and the "b" in "ball" and "bun" to name but a few, this is where the PECs really helps in that he has to make an effort at saying what's on the picture in order to get it. Along side that the eye contact has improved and his wanting to interact with us has also increased. We even get some word approximations but some of this could be wishful thinking........ But it doesn't stop there, only in the past 2 months the Doc has started to do kissing(!), the Doc doesn't do lips but he presents his cheek for kisses - he sometimes then wipes them away in front of you, you wouldn't want to be easily offended! And not to forget waving, it used to really depress me to have to wave the Doc's hand to wave bye bye, but now he does it all the time and if we're really lucky we get the occasional "bye" thrown in as well.

This is the Doc's favourite video at the moment: